In November 2021, I decided to try Fiji water for Kam. I figured all Kam’s seizures were because he had KCTN1 Epilepsy and didnt have a build up of Aluminum in his brain. Didn’t think anything he consumes really has any Aluminum in it besides some of the vaccines he had a few years prior (used as a preservative)
Instead of easing into it like I should have I gave Kam 4 oz twice a day. The diarrhea lasted over a month (at the time he was on a water thickener that was contributing to it) I knew Fiji Water has Magnesium in it and the body would adjust to it, as it did. After about a month I said to my husband, “Wow, Kam’s seizures are like gone.” He closed his eyes and nodded. I said, he had that much Aluminum in his brain?.” I still don’t understand that but it worked and I was only expecting to give Kam a cleaner water. We got such a great bonus in return.
I know some things like Clobazam and Pepcid have Aluminum in them, but it’s not enough to interact with the Fiji Water. Because we saw such a difference in Kam as a family we try and limit our sources of Aluminum. (No longer cook with Foil only parchment paper, less canned food) Now that I’m aware, I will never knowingly give Kam anything that has Aluminum in it, it will set off his seizures. We continue to use Fiji water as his only water source.
Fiji is a unique water as it contains enough silica in the form of OSA which removes aluminum from your body and brain. Fiji water has the highest OSA to remove aluminum.
If a water has gone through a filter that uses aluminum oxide it will add aluminum to the water. Aluminum oxide is used to filter fluoride.