LunarichX is an Epigenome, which means it CAN turn certain genes off and prevent misfiring in the brain. Here’s a short clip of what it is.
Kam had a VERY severe case of Dystonia. He was put on clozabam, diazepam, Artane and Baclofen. Very high doses it’s still did not work. We even had a six week inpatient admission to the top rehab facility and they could not treat it. I had lunarichX in my back pocket for a while in case things got bad. I gave to Kam and within one week he became extreme floppy as if he had no bones. Within 2 weeks we weaned off all medications. That was in April 2019. And it has not come back.
I began with 1 pill x2. Then I had increased it to 2x2 at some point. It did make other changes, Kam now had a response to light and he just seemed to have more light behind his eyes. Kam now gets 2 every 8 hours.
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